Vibing on the


is like living in a parallel world,
free from the bondage of the old ways,
a renewed mind, a place where
everything has a different meaning.

NEW WORLD OF BOX OFFICE EXCITEMENT Inc. is a Beverly Hills based, online fashion studio conglomerate, that functions like a women’s empowerment group. Under the creative influence of Jefford Curré, it promotes a lifestyle of luxury from the inside out, as it indulges in the celebration of excellence in work, play, business and relationships.

NEW WORLD OF BOX OFFICE EXCITEMENT virtual reality world tour. 91 cities, 200 stops. One. Earth.  Shaking. Event.

Streaming at



Jefford Curré
is an artist, at the
forefront of a fun,
faith and frolic
Disrupting the game,
raising the vibrations
and advancing a
cooler world culture.

Focused, and incredibly busy, Jefford Curré is a modern art genius with a finger on the pulse of the future. He is the ruggedly cool celebrity brand image of the NEW WORLD OF BOX OFFICE EXCITEMENT, a Beverly Hills based online fashion studio conglomerate, that functions like a women’s empowerment group. New World Of Box Office Excitement envisions a future where a large percentage of its profits will be allocated to pop up events that uplift, inspire, and demonstrate appreciation for the beauty, spiritual fortitude and feminine leadership of women.

New World Of Box Office Excitement promotes a lifestyle of luxury from the inside out, as it indulges in the celebration of excellence in work, play, business and relationships. In an age of so much unnecessary confrontations, where both the innocent and the guilty are faced with the same challenges to survive, we can all benefit from a world where people can find any reason to get along with each other.

Distracted perhaps only by luxury living, prayer vigils and a festive riot of a good time, critics call Jefford a clearly defined dysfunctional leader. He emerges at the turn of a brand new era of spectacular entertainment. What’s even worst, he’s not even trying to be like the rest. Jefford attracts a worldwide following of really cool people, who want the same thing, a lifestyle of abundance, slightly radical love and a wildly advancing culture not afraid to be free.

Now, If you can just get pass his “Up to something persona” his weird random acts of kindness or his slightly radical jet set image, you may find a rather peculiar fella who is offended by nothing. Insiders say he doesn’t do alcohol, drugs, and stays clear of wild women. Okay, he’s probably not always successful with the last one, but you get the idea. Jefford Curré stands poised at the forefront, firmly in command of his own destiny, as he infectiously raises the courage in others to rise above their own challenges.

In the face of incredible odds, he has proven not only to be a winner, but more importantly a powerful inspiration to anyone who struggles to make impossible dreams come true. Confident and with much style, Jefford Curré takes the high ground, advancing a cooler world culture without compromise or apology. To a global tribe of artists, writers and career-changing professionals that make up the rapidly expanding New World Of Box Office Excitement, Jefford Curré is the new metrics, by which, real time philanthropic superstardom is measured.

All rights reserved. Published 2022 NEW WORLD OF BOX OFFICE EXCITEMENT Inc. Do not sell this content. Ask permission. This press release is intended for education, information, and entertainment purposes only and should not be the bases of any decision. You can use it in social media if proper credit is given and it is presented in whole and complete without alterations or additives. Just simply mention the name ‘’NEW WORLD OF BOX OFFICE EXCITEMENT” and  #NewWorldOfBoxOfficeExcitement.

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 United States . Dubai . Brazil . China .  Bahamas . Korea . Africa . Philippine  . Japan.